Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Class Reunion - It Was A Blast

Class of 1983 25th Year Reunion
Orleans Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
October 4, 2008

Thank you ALL for coming to the reunion and for making it such a memorable event for all of us. It was a blasts indeed!

Special thanks to all of the organizers and participants who contributed their time and efforts in planning this event and for making it the most fun and enjoyable class reunion ever. You are greatly appreciated!

Aloha and Mahalo,
Ren Ferrer (for 25th Reunion Committee)


Guy Gines said...

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I didnt have a chance to joint you all in VEGAS, hope to see you all in 5 years. Take care and God Bless!

Guy Gines

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone and Congratulations to all of you who attended our Class Reunion. Sorry I couldn't attend this year due to some medical reasons but I'm pretty sure I will be joining you guys in 5 years. Just looking at those beutiful pictures, it looks like you guys had a blast and it's nice to see some familiar faces that I haven't seen since after our graduation. I wanna say hi to Teresa Ignacio and May Agcaoili (sorry guys i didn't make it). God Bless and Aloha!

Bhela Alcaide Gamata

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. I know it's been a really long time since most of you have seen me or even heard from me. But, rest assured that Duane Browning is alive and well. I currently am the manager of Legal Express Messenger Service in Honolulu.

If anyone wants to write to me, send an email to

Anonymous said...

Wow, haven't heard some of those names for the longest, Darryl Kunimura, Bernie Haae, Davin Kawakami, obviously I'm from the Dole side of Farrington, good to see you guy's had a blast, please join me in wishing my deepest sympathy's to Asa Yamashita's family, known to all of us as Asa Shimabukuro,the most kind and gentle person one could ever meet, she was brutally murdered in Ewa this past week, please keep Asa and her loved ones in your prayers, may God bless her soul and lead her family through these tough times, thank you and God bless

Siaosi Saifoloi

Reunion Snapshot..

Reunion Snapshot..
Helbert, Osmund, Cora and Roll

More Picture

More Picture
Lianie, Marlene, Grace, Roll, Zenaida, Rose and Imelda