Sunday, August 24, 2008

RSVP Now -- It’s Not Too Late!!

Aloha Fellow Classmates!

Because we were able to negotiate more time before finalizing our event planning at The Orleans, we are still accepting reservations. Keep those RSVPs and payments coming, and please send it today!

Special thank you to our classmates who sent in their RSVP and payment early because not only they helped minimize the planning stress level of our reunion committee members, but they also made a huge impact in the decision to NOT cancel our 25th reunion! Thank you!!

As of August 15th, we’ve received a total of 45 confirmed attendees from our classmates and their guests. It’s lower number than we originally planned earlier in the year, but based on random contacts with our other classmates, we can expect at least ~60-70 attendees.

If you know you can make it to our 25 reunion in Las Vegas, please take the time to complete the form and send your RSVP and payment today to Norma Turkalp. (See instructions below.)

RSVP/Payment Instructions:

1. Please make checks (Cashiers Check, Money Order or Personal Check) payable to: Heidi Kwong OR to Norma Turkalp

2. Mail to:
Norma Turkalp
P.O. Box 17802
Honolulu, HI 96817

3. Mail by: **NEW Deadline**
2 weeks prior to event, September 20th!!

4. Print and complete the RSVP/Payment Form attached in the 3/18 email OR use a 3x5 card, include the following information:
- Full Name of Alumni/Attendee (please include maiden name if apply):
- Name of Guest(s) (if apply):
- Current Mailing Address, Email and Phone:
- Total amount of payment:

We look forward to seeing you all at the reunion in Las Vegas!!!!

Reunion Snapshot..

Reunion Snapshot..
Helbert, Osmund, Cora and Roll

More Picture

More Picture
Lianie, Marlene, Grace, Roll, Zenaida, Rose and Imelda