Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time is Running Out - RSVP Now

Aloha FHS ’83 Classmates!

This is a final reminder!! Our 25th Class Reunion in Las Vegas is just 17 days away..

If you (or aware of other classmates) that will be coming to Las Vegas for our 25th Class Reunion on Saturday, October 4th, please send your RSVP/payment immediately—we need final count. Cost is $80 per person, and payment must be mailed to Norma by Sep. 20th if possible.

Again, thanks to all who made their RSVP’s to-date; list of classmates who will be coming to the reunion is posted on our reunion blog at

So far, we’ve received RSVPs/payments for 60 people, and there are more last-minute RSVP's on the way. So, hurry, time is running out!!

Please send photos (6 maximum) of you (then and now) and recent photo of you and your family. Don't forget to give us some information about each picture.

Even if you are not planning to attend the Reunion, you are welcome to send in pictures. Please e-mail them immediately to: rferrer@ msn .com (pls. remove spaces). (Note, for photos received a week prior to event, we’ll do whatever we can to include them in the slideshow.)

Reunion Committee

Reunion Snapshot..

Reunion Snapshot..
Helbert, Osmund, Cora and Roll

More Picture

More Picture
Lianie, Marlene, Grace, Roll, Zenaida, Rose and Imelda