Friday, July 25, 2008

Reminder and Action Required – October Class Reunion

Our 25th class reunion in Las Vegas is approaching fast and just a little over two months away. So far, we have received minimal confirmation (and it probably due to economy and high fuel price) but we still would like for everyone to attend if all possible. If you missed the announcement and payment instructions from late March, you can read about it in the attached below.

Deadline Extended..
Good news! RSVP/Payment original deadline is August 1st but we are extending the deadline to August 15th!!!! So, there is still time!

Also, at the Class of '83 reunion, we will be showing a photo gallery of pictures old and new. Even if you are not planning to attend the Reunion, you are welcome to send in pictures. We'd love to have your contributions!

Action Required:

1. Send RSVP/Payment – Due ASAP or prior to Aug 15th

Please act now and send your RSVP and you payment today per instruction in the attached email below.

2. Send “Then and Now” Pictures for Slideshow – Due prior to Sep 15th
Please send your portrait (self, family, classmate, etc., preferably in digital format it possible) and give us some information about each picture. Limit pictures up to 6.

E-mail digital format photos to:
OR send non-digital photos to:
Ren Ferrer
(pls. contact Ren for mailing address)

(If you would like the non-digital photos returned to you, please enclose a self-addressed/stamped envelope.)

So, come on Class of 1983 Governors! Hurry, and send your RSVP and Payment today! Don’t miss this fun and exciting opportunity for everyone to get together to catch up with old friends and classmates after a quarter of a century!!!!

Again, be sure to pass the word to your friends and classmates!

Reunion Committee

Reunion Snapshot..

Reunion Snapshot..
Helbert, Osmund, Cora and Roll

More Picture

More Picture
Lianie, Marlene, Grace, Roll, Zenaida, Rose and Imelda