Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Class Reunion - It Was A Blast

Class of 1983 25th Year Reunion
Orleans Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
October 4, 2008

Thank you ALL for coming to the reunion and for making it such a memorable event for all of us. It was a blasts indeed!

Special thanks to all of the organizers and participants who contributed their time and efforts in planning this event and for making it the most fun and enjoyable class reunion ever. You are greatly appreciated!

Aloha and Mahalo,
Ren Ferrer (for 25th Reunion Committee)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time is Running Out - RSVP Now

Aloha FHS ’83 Classmates!

This is a final reminder!! Our 25th Class Reunion in Las Vegas is just 17 days away..

If you (or aware of other classmates) that will be coming to Las Vegas for our 25th Class Reunion on Saturday, October 4th, please send your RSVP/payment immediately—we need final count. Cost is $80 per person, and payment must be mailed to Norma by Sep. 20th if possible.

Again, thanks to all who made their RSVP’s to-date; list of classmates who will be coming to the reunion is posted on our reunion blog at

So far, we’ve received RSVPs/payments for 60 people, and there are more last-minute RSVP's on the way. So, hurry, time is running out!!

Please send photos (6 maximum) of you (then and now) and recent photo of you and your family. Don't forget to give us some information about each picture.

Even if you are not planning to attend the Reunion, you are welcome to send in pictures. Please e-mail them immediately to: rferrer@ msn .com (pls. remove spaces). (Note, for photos received a week prior to event, we’ll do whatever we can to include them in the slideshow.)

Reunion Committee

Friday, September 5, 2008

Reminder and Then and Now Picture Request

Hello FHS Class of '83 Alumni,

Our 25th Class Reunion in Las Vegas is in 30 days.. If you have not sent in your RSVP yet, please take a moment to do so now--deadline is September 20th.

Also, at the Class of '83 reunion, we will be showing a photo gallery of pictures old and new.

- Please go through your old high school (elementary and intermediate, too!) photo albums and send as many photos of you and your classmates 25+ years ago;
- Send recent photos (6 maximum) of You and your Family. Don't be shy! Show off your family! Don't forget to give us some information about each picture.

Even if you are not planning to attend the Reunion, you are welcome to send in pictures. We'd love to have your contributions!

If you haven’t done so, please e-mail photos to: rferrer$@msn$.com$ before 9/20. (For pictures received after 9/20, we’ll do whatever we can to include them.)

Reunion Committee

Sunday, August 24, 2008

RSVP Now -- It’s Not Too Late!!

Aloha Fellow Classmates!

Because we were able to negotiate more time before finalizing our event planning at The Orleans, we are still accepting reservations. Keep those RSVPs and payments coming, and please send it today!

Special thank you to our classmates who sent in their RSVP and payment early because not only they helped minimize the planning stress level of our reunion committee members, but they also made a huge impact in the decision to NOT cancel our 25th reunion! Thank you!!

As of August 15th, we’ve received a total of 45 confirmed attendees from our classmates and their guests. It’s lower number than we originally planned earlier in the year, but based on random contacts with our other classmates, we can expect at least ~60-70 attendees.

If you know you can make it to our 25 reunion in Las Vegas, please take the time to complete the form and send your RSVP and payment today to Norma Turkalp. (See instructions below.)

RSVP/Payment Instructions:

1. Please make checks (Cashiers Check, Money Order or Personal Check) payable to: Heidi Kwong OR to Norma Turkalp

2. Mail to:
Norma Turkalp
P.O. Box 17802
Honolulu, HI 96817

3. Mail by: **NEW Deadline**
2 weeks prior to event, September 20th!!

4. Print and complete the RSVP/Payment Form attached in the 3/18 email OR use a 3x5 card, include the following information:
- Full Name of Alumni/Attendee (please include maiden name if apply):
- Name of Guest(s) (if apply):
- Current Mailing Address, Email and Phone:
- Total amount of payment:

We look forward to seeing you all at the reunion in Las Vegas!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Reminder and Action Required – October Class Reunion

Our 25th class reunion in Las Vegas is approaching fast and just a little over two months away. So far, we have received minimal confirmation (and it probably due to economy and high fuel price) but we still would like for everyone to attend if all possible. If you missed the announcement and payment instructions from late March, you can read about it in the attached below.

Deadline Extended..
Good news! RSVP/Payment original deadline is August 1st but we are extending the deadline to August 15th!!!! So, there is still time!

Also, at the Class of '83 reunion, we will be showing a photo gallery of pictures old and new. Even if you are not planning to attend the Reunion, you are welcome to send in pictures. We'd love to have your contributions!

Action Required:

1. Send RSVP/Payment – Due ASAP or prior to Aug 15th

Please act now and send your RSVP and you payment today per instruction in the attached email below.

2. Send “Then and Now” Pictures for Slideshow – Due prior to Sep 15th
Please send your portrait (self, family, classmate, etc., preferably in digital format it possible) and give us some information about each picture. Limit pictures up to 6.

E-mail digital format photos to:
OR send non-digital photos to:
Ren Ferrer
(pls. contact Ren for mailing address)

(If you would like the non-digital photos returned to you, please enclose a self-addressed/stamped envelope.)

So, come on Class of 1983 Governors! Hurry, and send your RSVP and Payment today! Don’t miss this fun and exciting opportunity for everyone to get together to catch up with old friends and classmates after a quarter of a century!!!!

Again, be sure to pass the word to your friends and classmates!

Reunion Committee

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Farrington High School Class of 1983 Reunion

Aloha and Welcome FHS Class of '83 Alumni!

By this time, you should have received the costs information and social activities information that we released on March 18th. Please read your email and follow payment instructions carefully.

Again, our 25th reunion will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday, October 4, 2008. Please mark your calendars.

Location of Main Event:
The Orleans Hotel and Casino
4500 W Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89103
Toll Free: 1-800-675-3267, Local: 702-365-7111
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008
Attire: Semi – Formal
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 midnight

RSVP and Costs:
All payments must be mailed in by August 1, 2008. We would appreciate receiving your RSVP by sending your payments as early as possible. Financially we have committed to having at least 120 people attend our reunion event at The Orleans. When deciding on the price, we wanted to make it as inexpensive as possible, but to obviously still cover all the reunion expenses.

1. Main Event - Banquet Dinner at The Orleans ($80 per person)
Includes buffet dinner, entertainment, dancing, and more (evening program is in work).
Sat, 10/4, 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight

The following social events/get-together are available for those of you who are interested. Please select an activity that would work best with your travel plans. If there are not enough interests in any of these social events (min is ~20 people), payments received will be refunded.

2. Social Events/Get Together - Las Vegas City Lights Tour ($35 per person)
This is an exciting, popular, fun, historic and way to spend 3 hours of evening tour on the town that never sleeps. Tour includes transportation to and from The Orleans. (Refer to flyer that was attached in the 3/18 email for more information about this tour.)
c Thu, 10/2, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. or
c Fri, 10/3, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.

3. Social Events/Get Together - Bowling Social at The Orleans ($16 per person)
Includes 2-hours of unlimited bowling, shoes, light refreshments and our reunion private party gathering room for our family and friends.
c Thu, 10/2, 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. or
c Thu, 10/2, 10:30 - 12:30 p.m. or
Fri, 10/3, 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. or
c Fri, 10/3, 10:30 - 12:30 p.m

(Note that when signing-up for both social events, please make sure the time you selected does not conflict with each other.)

Payment Instructions:
1. Please make checks (Cashiers Check, Money Order or Personal Check) payable to: Heidi Kwong

2. Send
payments to: NormaTurkalp, P.O. Box 17802, Honolulu, HI 96817

3. Mail by:
July 1st - if paying by Personal Check
August 1st - if paying by Cashiers Check or Money Order

4. Print and complete the RSVP/Payment Form attached in the 3/18 email (contact Ren for form) OR use a 3x5 card, include the following information:
a Full Name of Alumni/Attendee (please include maiden name if apply):
a Name of Guest(s) (if apply):
a Current Mailing Address, Email and Phone:
a Indicate name of event(s) that you are attending and paying (Main Event, Bowling Social, City Lights Tour etc, and include date preference):
a Total amount of payment:

This is going to be an exciting “once in a lifetime” event and opportunity to see each other once again, and catch up with our classmates after 25 years, so RSVP and send your payment early! Don't forget to contact your friends and inform them of our planned reunion and/or point them to our Class Reunion Blog/site at: Bookmark this site as we will continuously update this site when new information becomes available.

Hope to see you all in Las Vegas!

Class of ‘83 Reunion Committee

Reunion Snapshot..

Reunion Snapshot..
Helbert, Osmund, Cora and Roll

More Picture

More Picture
Lianie, Marlene, Grace, Roll, Zenaida, Rose and Imelda